Pick A Direction And Go is a Guild Wars 2 Roleplaying guild/community that is not tied to one idea such as a charr warband or bandit gang, we host many types of events that you can get any of your characters involved in! We understand that you might have a lot of alt RP characters that you have left forgotten on your character select screen, well! Dust them off and bring them our way!What kind of RP events and activities do we host?
Some of these events are being put on hold while we work on a new project.

The Fight Pits!

This event is just that, fighting! In a pit! We host this event every other Monday, you can either free-form the fights like any combat RP, or use our very simple roll-based combat system for the extra thrill and fairness!

Sizzul's Quest!

Want that fantasy adventurers guild lifestyle you always dreamed of? Taking on quests with unknown companions and meeting like minded mercenaries or lovers of adventuring, maybe even post some jobs of your own? Well, Sizzul's Quest will help you in this endeavor! Work your way up the ranks to earn coin and food/drink discounts. If you need that gear repaired after a tough job then Master Blacksmith Sizzul can help you out for a reduced price. We also have open bar nights so come on down!

Culture Shock!

This event varies depending on which culture we are focusing on for that month. We try to focus each event on key aspects which makes each of the races of tyria special. Charrbecues, maybe an asura symposium, or a good ol' norn moot! These events are not restricted to just the race from the theme of the month, anyone can participate. Bring your asura to the human nobles party or have your sylvari sapling hunt something twice their size in a great hunt!

Inquest Shenanigans!

Wanna be the villain sometimes? We know we sure do, so you got any Inquest rats lying around waiting to do some morally questionable things? Well, we have some job opportunities for your little troublemakers! Different members of the Inquest want to send you out on some dastardly errands, pick up the call and do some good for your megakrewe!

And finally!
Various smaller parties of characters that have their own stories, some new and fresh and some with a long history.
PaDaG are a heavy roleplay guild with a emphasis on lore-friendly characters and themes.Interested in joining?
Contact either CLANG.2715 or WinterMisanthropy.7906 in game.
Or clang and winterwake on DiscordWe are based on the NA server.